Monday 28 January 2008

Is the Viper Bullet Proof?

Martin "The Viper" Foley has survived yet another hail of bullets, but remains in a critical condition with four wounds to the body.
He was shot outside Ben Dunnes fitness centre in Kimmage, Martin walked to the Garda car that took him to the hospital, so he can't be too bad?
In September 2000, The Viper was shot several times leaving another fitness centre in Terenure college, the previous April the IRA's attempt to shoot him was intercepted by the Gardai, two other attempts to assassinate him failed in the 90's.
The Viper is one of the so called ODCs (ordinary decent criminals) and was a close associate of Martin "The General" Cahill who they say was the last person killed on the orders of the IRA's Army Council. The ODC's tended to rob banks, security vans and businesses, as opposed to the current crop that deal mainly in drugs.
Martin is currently "legit" running a "Debt collection agency" quite a successful one I believe!

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